District Pay Dates:
- Our district's pay dates are the 5th and 21st. IF the pay date happens to land on a weekend or holiday, your pay will go in the work day before. Please note that paychecks are direct deposited and an e-stub is sent to your work email address. We are unable to re-print paycheck stubs that appear exactly the same as the e-stubs emailed to you.
Pay dates corresponding with work:
-Any work performed between the 1-15th of any month will be paid on the following month's 5th paycheck.
-Any work performed between the16-31st of any month will be paid on the following month's 21st paycheck.
-ie. If you worked on Jan. 3, 8, 11, and 12th, you would receive these days on your check dated February 5th. If you worked Jan. 16, 18, 21, and 31st, you would receive these days paid on your February 21st check.